Monday 14 October 2013

Welcome to my blog. It is 14 October 2013. Here you can expect to find incohate ramblings posted on various subjects of interest to me from philosophy to political rants, from musings on music and film, to tales of survival from some of the roads less traveled.  This blog is for the things that would ordinarily remain unspoken and unwritten - my thought bubbles - but after walking this earth in silence for so long I believe it is now incumbent on me to get some thoughts down before my faculties fail me entirely. I do this not just to improve my writing skills (which may have already atrophied) and to please my psychiatrist. There is also a chance that this blog may provide some mild diversion to you, dear reader, who have stumbled in here by chance while wandering the cyber byways. Additionally this blog provides evidence that can be adduced in my defense when I am finally obliged to plead insanity for the misdemeanors too numerous to mention that constitute my life thus far.